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Viral video: Hot UW Grad Librarians do parody of Lady Gaga Pokerface

“You got a question that is causing you some pain, Typin’ keywords into the search engine again. Look, your naive searching just ain’t gonna get it done, ’Cause when it comes to search, if it’s not tough it isn’t fun,”

Who knew they had this much fun in the library? Sarah Wachter, grad student at UW’s Information School won the iSpirit award at the First Annual iSight Film Festival with this
parody of Lady Gaga’s hit "Pokerface." The purpose of the film is to promote The Big Six, a model for teaching literacy information skills, a topic which could be a real iSnooze
Festival contender without the creativity and cooperation of the iTeam. Library- and information-science graduate student Laura Mielenhausen sings most of the song’s lyrics, and
reportedly it was not a challenge to engage the previously hidden talents of faculty and other library types. Wachter, whose film was released over the Memorial Day Weekend had no idea that it would be of interest to those outside of the library field, much less that it would go viral on Youtube. UW librarians do Gaga.