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Video: Reverend James Manning THE REAL Worst Person in the World

Like Glenn Beck, Rev James Manning is a DOCTOR, so please be respectful to both for their Mensa intelligence and educations. Reverend Manning is also behind the recent Obama Trial in Harlem where the President was found guilty of treason and sedition who worked as an undercover CIA agent working in the Middle East, that he did not attend Columbia University and of course the Birther issue that he must be arrested because he is not a US citizen. Reverend Manning claims the trial was valid because the Secret Service
did not stop it. This stuff big credible news at places like freerepublic.com and worldnewsdaily.com and all the Birther sights, but it is very hard to find much of anything from any reputable source – it is too much for even too much for Fox News. Reverend Manning, Christian Face of Evil. 

At the beginning of this I believed I had found someone who was even more of a Double Creme Oreo Uncle Tom mint Julep House Negro than either Ward Connerly or Clarence Thomas [Hard to believe I know.] But as the video progressed I soon realized I had actually found the real honest to God WORST PERSON IN THE WORLD. Not some MSNBC word game to gain share, but the real thing.

Combine the overwhelming repulsiveness of Rush Limbaugh, the stupidity of Sean Hannity and Sarah Palin, the abject bigotry of Michael Savage, the nastiness of Ann Coulter, the pigheadedness of Bill O’Reilly, the credibility of Fox News, the depressing sourness of Brit Hume, the ugly depravity of Charles Krauthammer, the intellectual dishonesty of George Will, the intolerance of Pat Robertson, the clownish Ron and Rand Paul, the darkness surrounding Dick Cheney, the silliness of Glenn Beck and it doesn’t hold a candle to this mf. 

This transcends the helpful service that the Jerry Springer Show brings to our egos by seeing so much human refuse in action that we all feel so much better about ourselves. Pipe these videos into the Walls Unit and the guys on Death Row would feel like they are on top of the world.

Of course GODHATESGAYS.COM Reverend Fred Phelps – who plays his hate filled Christian horror shows at soldiers funerals – is awfully awful but so one dimensional. I have to defer to Manning and give Phelps a close second place. Both these stains upon humanity are driven by ugly batcrap religion.