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The Voter Suppression Argument

Voter suppression argument

The Republican majority on the Supreme Court last week allowed Texas to keep their voter suppression laws intact for the coming election in two weeks.  In Wisconsin the same Supreme Court held against the laws until after the coming election by refusing to hear it. Why, I don’t know… But it does not matter a hill of beans here in Texas as Republicans have about a 20 point election advantage. So here at least it’s only the principle of the thing. Hell, Gregg Abbot campaigned with Ted Nugent and it helped him.

This is one of those arguments that just defies logic which the GOP somehow manages to win. Much like global warming, evolution and supply side economics. Everyone, EVERYONE knows damn well the entire purpose of VOTER ID LAWS and REDUCING EARLY VOTING is about Republicans trying to game the system by keeping the poor, minorities and the young from voting. Who does not know that?

But they get away with it from the spurious argument that it keeps people with fake IDs from voting. We need a picture ID to drive a car, why not to vote!!?? Driving cars in not in the constitution. And we are talking maybe 100 instances of this happening in our entire history? But they get away with it because it’s what they want to believe, reinforced by talk radio, Fox News and of course Scalia, Thomas, Roberts, Kennedy and Alito who helped arrange it for them.

Add Citizen’s United, gerrymandering to suppressing the vote and we find that the only way Republicans win elections is through gaming the system. The only way to fix that is 8 years of Hillary Clinton so she can replace a couple Republican Justices with Democrats. It will be the biggest game changer since Brown.

List the countries that are more Right-wing that the United States, leaving out any country with single payer healthcare systems. I think that leaves too places for Republicans to emigrate to after their Fall. The Cayman Islands or Somalia.