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War Day, Senators McCain & Graham volunteer to lead the fight in Iraq!

War Senators volunteer to fight in iraq!

On this War Day weekend it is important to give credit to Senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham for their relentless efforts to send other people’s children off to unnecessary wars on the other side of the world and for all the hollowed tombstones they carry around their necks.

America’s most renown pair of elected warmongers – John and Lindsay pictured here at their war wedding at the Department of War with Dick Cheney doing the nuptials – have recently called for another American boots on the ground military invasion of Iraq, but this time they are going walk the walk rather than just talk the talk by leading the ground troops from the front lines themselves! About time I say.

Wait a minute now, I guess I read that wrong, no they do not intend to go themselves, per usual they will be sending good conservative Christian boys and girls from America’s heartland to do the fighting and dying for them. But even if this couple do get their way, I don’t think we have enough troops to support all the wars they want to get us in.

You remember Senator John McCain? He ran for President in 2008 as the war candidate and got trounced by LET’S GET OUT OF WAR Barack Obama. Next week Senator Lindsay Graham is going to announce his run for President in 2016 as the war candidate. I am sure Lindsay, who is more reviled by the GOP Base than even Hillary Clinton, will not even be able to make it onto a GOP debate stage yet alone win a primary. War is for Fox News, talk radio and old people wrapped in flags and silly hats.

But no matter a couple nasty old dickheads wanting to fill new military cemeteries with American kids, War Day must be honored and revered to give a bit of reprise, pride and remembrance for so many parents who lost their sons, to so many wives who lost their husbands and to so many children who lost their fathers. And the woman soldiers too.

I do want to give my best to all those who lost so much, but as a veteran I feel obligated to remind all those who have not served what all veterans know.

That those tombstones do not represent flag waving patriotism, the fight against radical Islam, communism or fascism, nor to protect us from weapons of mass destruction or Sharia Law, but rather they represent the men who fought and died for the dozen or so band of brothers around them.