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Weak Mom Pants Obama is a Fascist Dictator! Lukovich cartoon

Dictator Mom pants obama

Hypocrisy does not matter on the Right. Like religious intolerance, racial and ethnic bigotry and the callous disregard for others, it is all integral to the Republican brand.

You know what the biggest difference is between a liberal and a conservative?

Liberals can openly express their beliefs to the world in public. On the other hand conservatives can only do that after they all the cameras, microphones and cell phones have been turned off and members of the press found and evicted from the premises. Oh they also quite often make the mistake of showing off their black hearts when the get drunk.

Many years ago I did a STUDY on the drunk part. Whenever any of my conservative pals got really drunk I would ask them about the homeless, the poor, gays, blacks, the inner city or women choosing to have an abortion. I always got the same quick answer. “Fkem!”