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What if there is no hell, will Gandhi get into heaven.

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These and other thought provoking questions brought forth in Pastor Rob Bell’s writings have the evangelical community standing upon it’s collective ear. Is life worth living if the people you hate in this life won’t burn in eternal fire and damnation? Will only the pure of heart from your denomination, and the suffering sit upon a fluffy cloud playing a harp? It simply isn’t ‘fair’ if those other people don’t suffer and any ol’ riff raff can enter the pearly gates!

Pastor Rob Bell has taken away some of the fear-based tenants of religion, and focuses on a more ethical and love-based way of looking at faith and religion…Predictably, Pastor Bell is going to Hell.

[RJ – Part of the family long ago discarded Judaism to become Born Again in American Jesus. I have to give them credit, they waited TWO YEARS before they told us that Grampa Jew is now suffering eternal damnation in Hell. Also making sure to tell my children the too are going to Hell. That is not sillyreligion but crapreligion.]