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Whip Steve Scalise Pals Around With David Duke

 Majority Whip Steve Scalise Pals Around With  David Duke

Racist and Congressman Steve Scalise will soon return to the hot seat.  Scalise – the majority whip, owes the respite and opportunity to cool his britches, to the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo, which drew attention away from Scalise – just when things were heating up for him.

Before the Charlie Hebdo attack, Scalise was the focus of his very own white supremacist scandal. You may recall that Salise spoke at a white supremacist, neo-nazi conference. Oddly, he claims he had no idea that it was a racist group, even though David Duke was also scheduled to speak at the event.  While Scalise claims he had no idea of the nature of the event, it was abundantly clear to the minor league baseball team from Iowa, who cancelled their reservations when they learned of the wild-eyed racist convention. Either Scalise isn’t as bright as a minor league baseball team, or he’s not being candid with us.
Signs would indicate the latter, as he voted to end observances of Dr. Martin Luther King in 2004.