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Who are the ones dying for no health insurance?

If you want to know what Republicans are thinking, listen to what The Klan is saying.

I have a question.

Of the 45,000 people who die each year for not having health insurance, how many do Americans think are black or Hispanic.

a) All
b) Almost all

I was watching Newt Gingrich who was responding to the annoying question, what has a Republican ever done for anyone?

Newt said that the biggest success was HIS Republican Contract on America that he and President Clinton working together to rid America of having to give poor women and children welfare. The most important thing Republicans accomplished, he repeated.

I have another question.

Of all the people on welfare in 1996, how many did Americans believe were black?

a) All
b) Almost all

And there you have the driving force of American politics since our inception…