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Who wants to sit with Virginia Foxx for the State of the Union?

So it’s agreed! Republicans and Democrats are going to sit together for the State of the Union address Tuesday night. Though it is really a secret ploy by Democrats. So if Joe Wilson screams "YOU LIE" at the president again at least one of the people on either side of him will knock his clock off.

And of course there are the two most obvious problems. Remember back in grade school when you had to line up and pair off for a field trip. And you would count heads as the process began hoping against hope that you would not have to hold hands with Dufus McFartoff?

First is where to seat Joe Lieberman. It seems o Republican or Democrat wants to sit with him. Even his X best friend Arizona Senator John McNasty is mad at Joe for his big win with his Don’t Ask Don’t Tell bill. 

Problem two is that no one wants to sit with Virginia Foxx who long ago was the impetus for the old phrase "Don’t get any on ya!" Who would want to sit so close to a woman who is literally so stupid she drools (and farts wet). Though there does seem to be an inkling of interest from a few of the most unattractive members regarding that "relativity" thing. A camera shot of them both could make anyone in Congress look better than usual.

Here are three of Virginia Foxx’s greatest gems on the floor of Congress

"I also would like to point out that there was a bill — the hate crimes bill that’s called the Matthew Shepard bill is named after a very unfortunate incident that happened where a young man was killed, but we know that that young man was killed in the commitment of a robbery. It wasn’t because he was gay. This — the bill was named for him, hate crimes bill was named for him, but it’s really a hoax that that continues to be used as an excuse for passing these bills." Virginia Foxx succeeding in saying something uglier than she is.

"Everywhere I go in my district, people tell me they are frightened. … I share that fear, and I believe they should be fearful. And I believe the greatest fear that we all should have to our freedom comes from this room — this very room — and what may happen later this week in terms of a tax increase bill masquerading as a health care bill. I believe we have more to fear from the potential of that bill passing than we do from any terrorist right now in any country." Virginia Foxx saying that giving poor children with preexisting conditions health insurance is WORSE than flying airliners into skyscrapers.

"Democrats believe they can win at the ballot box by obstructing, and they would rather win the next election than move America forward." Virginia Foxx with the anti-truth, a statement directly opposite of the truth.