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Why Is the Press Afraid to Ask Trump Anything? Keith Olbermann

Why Is the Press Afraid to Ask Trump Anything? Keith Olbermann

Why Is the Press Afraid to Ask Trump Anything? Keith OlbermannThe American press is sitting on what is possibly the biggest story in decades,yet they are afraid to demand answers of the one person who frankly IS the story – con man and dilettante, Donald Trump. Why the timidity? Are they afraid he will storm off in a huff, walk six feet, sit down at his desk and angrily shuffle papers? Keith Olbermann suggests that perhaps reporters are afraid to be labeled ‘unfair and unbalanced’ – Oh the horror! Word to press – If you are outside of Fox ‘news’ or Alex Jones you’re already known as ‘fake news.’  So fly – be free to break the most disturbing and bizarre story ever, and get it straight from the horse’s ass. However, we don’t really expect change. This is the same media that is normalizing hate, treason and an attack on our very constitution.

Our last hope is that this distress call is heard and heeded by journalists in the free world. You are our last hope to expose this fraud. We saw your objective report of Ivanka in Berlin. This kind of honesty prompted women to greet her with signs like the one pictured. At home, Ivanka’s brand of snake oil is selling, labeled as women’s advocacy.  We see British reports linking Trump to Russia in ways the FBI will never admit.

Of course, to find Trump, you may have to attend a hotel opening, but if you will please lay some real questions on this malignant poser, we will forever be in your debt.