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Why Jesus Hates ‘In God We Trust’ – America’s Best Christian, Mrs Betty Bowers

Why Jesus Hates 'In God We Trust' - America's Best Christian, Mrs Betty Bowers

Mrs Betty Bowers – also America’s Best Christian, asks a joint session of  Congress to pass SHARIA Law, and redress America’s rude, consistent snub of Jesus in all of her official documents, so that America might – finally be what it pretends to be – A Christian nation!

Asked to sum up religion in ten words or less, Betty is brief: “Flatter Jesus or he’ll torture you in Hell.”  Harsh, but I think he’s earned the right to be sensitive on this matter.  That is why our largely Christian (they claim to be) lawmakers should be pleased to pass SHARIA Law for Jesus. “the Statutory Hierarchichizing All Religions in America.

I mean really, the founding fathers must have had writer’s cramp or they’d have spelled out Christianity. Surely they assumed that everyone would know  Christianity is the national religion…Right?