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Why Sarah Palins fans want her for president, and her tie with Hillary Clinton

Conveniently, the topic of voter ignorance has coincided with Sarah Palin’s ‘Going Rogue’ book tour. The lines of feverish fans in Columbus, Ohio were an excellent place to learn what issues and policies her base feels that she would bring to the leadership of the country, and why she ties with Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton for Most Respected Woman. Strap in, and hang on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.

For people who are 100% behind Sarah Palin as a presidential candidate, simple questions seem to leave them as flustered as that conniving Katie Couric left Palin, with such questions as "What do you read?"

When asked what issues or policies Palin brings to the office of president that appeal to her, one lady gave an honest answer, "I can’t think of policies. She’s someone who can make a difference!" Queried as to what kind of difference, she
replied, "I never really thought about it ." This lady is not the exception, but at least she’s honest. The film is chock full of "I dunnos" and Obama conspiracy theories. If you wish to gain a broader picture of why Sarah Palin is more admired than Hillary Clinton, this may not clear it up, but it certainly
introduces you to the people who love her! I don’t want to use the words "dumbing down of America" as people will feel it’s entirely politically motivated. There are some equally clueless people on the other side, however, this is the side which organizes to demonstrate it in public with great pride, spawning the Birthers, Tea Parties, and dreaded death panel myths.