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Why Senate Republicans will Vote Against Hispanic SC nominee Sonia Sotomayer?

In a full Senate vote coming in the next few days more than 2/3 of Republican Senators are expected to vote against the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayer, no matter she has the votes for confirmation wrapped up.

The issue these conservative Republicans tell us is that she is a judicial activist who will decide cases in light of her life experiences rather than the hard cold law.

This is very silly business going beyond the pale with ALL Republican Senators having voted for conservative activist judges who decide every case in the darkness of their white male religious life experiences. Well, except Justice Clarence Thomas who judges every case upon how much he hates and despises Liberals and uppity Black Bitches.

It is also important to remember the 2001 case of Gore vs Florida in which all five conservative Supreme Court judges fell to political activism by shoving their lifelong rabid states rights ideology under the rug for a day so they could realize an outcome they desired for purely political reasons. In fact before the 2001 election Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia quipped that he would resign if Liberal Al Gore were elected.

Many of these Republican Senators – John McCain, Kay Bailey Hutchinson, John Cornyn – are from states with heavy Hispanic voting blocks and have decided to vote against the only Hispanic to ever be nominated to the Supreme Court (also the third woman ever to be nominated.)

The face of the Republican hypocrisy concerning judicial activism is fooling no one other than a few racist Birthers and Tea Party wingnuts doing what their radio host cult leaders tell them to do.

So why is the GOP alienating Hispanics – the fasting growing voter block in America – and women when Sotomayer will be confirmed anyway? Whats going on?

Recently word came down to the Senate that the NRA would take down the names of any Republican Senators voting for Sotomayer, downgrade their NRA rating and fund primary opposition candidates come the next election.  Kick! On the Small Arms Race