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Will Donald Trump and Ted Cruz destroy the GOP?

gop dead logoThough polls show that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have over half the GOP primary voters just weeks away from Iowa neither has yet to be endorsed by one single governor or US Senator, indeed a populist revolution that will in the end not only hand the Executive branch to the Democrats for the foreseeable future, but could change the very nature of the Republican party forever.

Working class Republicans are sick of Free Trade and Free Markets with Wall Street and corporations taking advantage of them, they want the government to do for them rather than foreigners, immigrants, Mexicans, Muslims and African Americans. They want a strong charismatic leader to cheer for and chant his name. Someone who will round up the Mexicans and Muslims and ship them off. A leader who will go around the world poking other countries in the eye.

A growing nationalism with a dash of socialism – as long as they get the whole pie – with a leader who will screech and bluster about all the ethnic, racial and religious outsiders screwing them over. A kind of national socialism…  Can you think if an acronym that fits such a party?