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William Kristol nominates Conservative Evan McMullin to run against Trump

William Kristol nominates Conservative William McMullin to run against Trump

Weekly Standard owner William Kristol who gave us the Iraq War and who wants to give us many many wars to come and who has been wrong about more things more often than anyone in the known world past or present has finally found the man with enough gravitas to stop Donald Trump, Evan McMullins.

William Kristol was a big pusher for HW Bush to pick Dan Quayle as VP, he was Alan Keyes campaign director, he was the top media dog for the Iraq War, he was the primary push for McCain to pick Sarah Palin and now he is the leading voice against Donald Trump who he believes doesn’t hate Muslims enough. What a winner!  Can I say he is Jewish? Can I say he is the leading Jewish neocon in America? Probably not hey?  In fact I just read today that calling women “ladies” is unacceptable.  Perhaps I have been correct all along, that the rise of The Donald is more about political correctness than anything else. When it goes too far it gives credence to the bigotry, racsim and sexism of the real thing.

Well today Kristol finally found the right stuff in his year long of tossing out names for a 3rd Party run against Donald Trump, Evan McMullin who is almost as much of a heavyweight as his last choice William French.

So now we will have both Gary Johnson and Evan McMullin taking votes away from the Orange Raccoon. Billy is just so smart.

Oh, BTW, his father Irving Kristol bought the Weekly Standard for his little boy from Rupert Murdoch in 1994 in response to turncoats HW Bush, General Powell and General Schwarzkopf refusing to march on to Baghdad. His son William Kristol was the most instrumental in getting HW’s not as bright boy, to do his bidding.

William Kristol is on the list of the Top Ten most Disgusting Human Beings in American Politics. I am waiting to publish that list because I am having trouble deciding who is first, Ted Nugent or George Zimmerman? To complicate matters further, with recent revelations who comes next, Rush Limbaugh or Roger Ailes? And with Scalia now good and dead, who is in the lead between Alito and Thomas?