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William Serrano gets 35 years for killing roommate with stinky feet

William Antonio SerranoBecause 23 year old Serrano stabbed 21 year old Noel Quintanilla-Vaqujero 16 times rather than shot him a dozen times you may have guessed this happened outside of Texas, which would make you wrong. Just up the road a piece in fact. How did this one go down you think?

Both were roommates crammed into a small apartment with not a few others living there. They came home from a hard day of construction work, had too many beer and with a little too much of that Latin macho hot temper came the cry of "God damn Noel, do your feet stink! But your shoes on!" I am sure the command was followed by a "Who the **** are you to tell me what to do?!" So Serrano grabbed a knife to show Noel who he was. Cost him 35 years in the pokey. Man sentenced in slaying over roommate’s foot odor

I once had a roommate I wanted to kill over a foot issue. We had one of those bottle openers screwed to the door jam between the kitchen and the living room, both rooms had tile floors as it was during my time working offshore in the Florida keys. I was a barefoot Jimmy Buffet clone at the time and Tex was a constant beer drinker who saved money by only buying Black Label in returnable bottles. The problem was he just flat out refused to catch the top with his hand and sharp serrated beer tops littered the kitchen and the TV room. Some law of physics caused the vat majority of them to end edge up. Often caps would actually embed into my foot. Sometimes drawing blood near the toes. No amount of complaining could change Tex’s habit.

Tex had another even more serious habit, ketchup. On everything and I mean everything. He bought it by the case which he kept under his bed. One evening when anger got the best of me, and being from Texas, I concluded he needed to be shot. But realizing I was not actually IN Texas were that would okay, I waited until he settled in front of the TV, and then gathered up all his ketchup and locked it up in the trunk of my car. Within just a few hours I had solved the problem in a peaceful manner.