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John McCain Dumped Sick First Wife For Wealthy Hottie, Shades of Newt Gringrich

Other side of the McCain coin

The senator from Arizona may have refused to leave his buddies behind, but he had no qualms about dumping his first wife, Carol McCain, who remained a loving wife and raised their three children faithfully while he was a POW. The first Mrs. McCain was crippled in a tragic accident while he was away, so to demonstrate his commitment to family values, he dumped her for a rich "trophy wife" who could afford his expensive tastes and political ambition.

John McCain may be a military hero, which I do not argue, but on the other side of the coin, he is a bounder and a cad who shows little if any moral fiber or commitment.

U.S. Army, retired, Galveston

From today’s Houston Chronicle showing that NOT everyone in Texas or the Military for that matter is a Dittohead Republican Robot. The Newt Gingrich wife Dump reminder Georgia Peach of Shit