Susie Sampson reports on the latest round of patriarchal reproductive laws proposed and passed by our male friends and neighbors in the GOP. Thanks to those vigilant lawmakers, we can finally relax and not worry our empty little heads about complex concepts – like our own bodies!
Susie recounts the latest round of anti-abortion legislation in South Dakota, which this bumper sticker quote fully describes: “South Dakota, Where you have to wait longer to get an abortion than to buy a gun!” That’s how God intended it, sister! Wait until you hear what this state has done for family planning, that extends far beyond their 72-hour waiting period! Republicans famously have advocated for ultra-sounds as a pre-requisite for those floozies who are bound and determined to have abortions. Susie asks people on the street what they believe the equivalent would be for men? Perhaps a 3-day waiting period after a kidney stone attack before treatment?
Some ladies have suggested that if women jump through the (expensive) hoops set by the GOP, then every prescription for viagra must be accompanied by an ultrasound on the man’s rectum…Just to make sure his head isn’t lodged there.” (Not my comment, folks) Alternately, courses in sexual and social responsibility taught by an accredited instructor would go far in eradicating our problems in this area. What to do when parents, with their heads firmly planted in the um – sand, refuse to let their teens participate in reproductive biology, much less classes which include information pertaining to birth control?
Missouri was a real eye opener for me. They are following 11 other states in further regulating the ‘Morning After Pill’ or ‘The Plan B Pill.’ In other words, when ‘plan A’ fails, as contraception sometimes does, a woman can take a pill early on, which in highly technical medical lingo, causes Aunt Flo to arrive promptly. This can hardly be offensive to thinking people as it’s given literally ‘the morning after’ or very early in a suspected pregnancy, very much in the way Mother Nature stops ill-fated pregnancies quite naturally and unbeknownst to the lady many times in her life. This is the controversial pill which some pharmacists have refused to stock, due to their strong right to life views. I suspect condoms and Viagra are still sold in their stores, often with hard liquor.
The new bill in Missouri requires a woman taking the Plan B pill to do so in the presence of a physician. In this way she can be sure of swallowing the pill where a trained professional can give her a paper cup of approved H2o – costing approx. $150-200 dollars for an office call.
A recent poll reveals the shocking news that a majority of Americans – mostly females, think the Republican Party is out of touch with women. Not surprisingly, with age comes wisdom, more women over 50 feel this way. Republicans fear the loss of women voters.In response, some House and Senate candidates are undergoing training to “better communicate with women.” What it means to communicate with women, rather than ‘people’ in general, is known only to Republicans. John Boehner responded, “some of our members just aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be.”
It remains to be seen whether newly sensitive Republicans will devote their efforts to learning how to talk to women, the better to disguise what they’re saying when they do!
Is there a ‘sensitive’ way to tell women that men will continue to control their reproductive rights? Never forget, they ‘gave’ us the vote – grudgingly, perhaps it’s time we used it!