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Worst: Alfredo Gonzales, Beck Rumor Mill, Rupert Murdoch, Don Imus

Gold: Fmr. Bush Attorney General Alfredo Gonzales. Tuesday, his interview with The Washington Times was surprising, to say the least. Gonzeles agreed with Eric
Holder’s decision to investigate interrogation methods used by CIA officials.In fact, he was for bringing one and all who had gone beyond the letter of the law to justice. Wednesday. We have no reports, not even a “Hello Kitty” diary entry to tell us what happened, but I believe it involves men in black, and sunglasses. By Thursday, he was back in the Times again, with a severe case of Back Track Fever,
having spun completely around to contradict his statements on Tuesday entirely! See the stunning turn of events on Worst Person in the World, and his ‘current’ opinions before they change again!

Silver: The Mystery Rumor Monger, who forces Beck to defend himself, and we all know how painful that can be! The mystery monger is fond of using the insinuation method, which has been so popular among sleazy politicians for decades, asking “Did Glenn Beck (fill in the blank)” Just as in political campaigns, it’s just enough to plant a seed of doubt in some, and make others not familiar with excessive thought, completely believe the ‘innocent’ question.

Bronze: Rupert Murdoch. It’s somewhat interesting how he effectively ended the career of Don Imus over the loathsome remark made` concerning the women’s basketball team. In a network where someone says something equally bad, and
generally untrue each day, Murdoch must have a special spot in his heart for Imus. See Worst, and don’t miss an episode,it may well be the last.