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Worst: Brazilian ad mocks 9/11, Lynn Jenkins great white dope, Glenn Beck

Very Worst goes to Brazilian ad company DDB. Their ad is not only shocking, but irrelevant to their original idea. This sort of thing happens in the thin air atop high-rises where plush ad agency types tend to hone their genius. Thinking themselves very creative indeed, they submitted the tasteless travesty to an advertising awards competition, along with the World Wildlife Federation logo. WWF would like you to know that they strongly condemn the ad, gave no authorization to use their logo, and are taking legal steps to halt them at this time. Watch Worst to see what the creative hoo-hah is about, and be prepared to be amazed at what passes for top dollar advertising!

Lynn Jenkins, R- Kansas. The Great White Dope. Long before her racist comments about “the great white hope” it was clear to see empathy and telling the truth weren’t strong points. Demonstrating both at a town hall in July, watch in astonishment as she answers Elizabeth Smith, a 27 year old waitress with a two year old son, and no insurance for either of them, who asks – Why not access to a low cost public option? Jenkins said “No, we should give you money so you can buy higher priced insurance from private insurance, and you should GROW UP, MISS! Grow up? I’d love to see Jenkins support herself and a child on waitress wages, then try to pay for health care! From the peaceful group gathered came raised voices, and an “Okay folks” mumble mumble…”Let’s be respectful!
grumble mumble….”UH OH!” She then regained control and ‘splained it all! Our waitress and son would somehow get money to buy private and expensive programs
via “an advanceable tax credit.” I’m certain Elizabeth is as comforted as I by this explanation. More amazing mental and linguistic gymnastics in Worst!

Glenn Beck has the answers! The questions are rather vague, but as always he seems to feel strongly! All I know is that “They” have their hands around the neck of the republic” and only YOU can wake up and stop Them! Settle in for a long one, and if you wouldn’t mind, tell us who “They” are, though I suspect that you’re either with Beck or against him, making you one of “Them.”