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Worst: Fmr CIA now NUT Michael Scheur, Racist Pat Boone Betsy McCaughey shill…busted!

Fmr CIA Staffer Michael Scheuer accuses President Obama and Rahm Emanuel of having an uncaring attitude toward terrorist attacks. Watch Keith as he puts this raving loon in perspective. After all, Scheuer did make an interesting comment just one month ago, stating “The only chance we have is for Osama Bin Ladin to detonate a major weapon in the U.S.”The “only chance” for what – is unknown, as are the reasons anyone quotes him. Perhaps this is retaliation for the CIA operatives who came forth and stated that the warnings about Bin Ladin’s attack on 9/11 went unheeded – or he’s listening to the neighbor’s dog bark instructions, we’ll never know. You’ll want to watch Worst and take any further announcements from Schheuer with a huge grain of salt!

Pat Boone: Senility hits and racism peeks out. It isn’t enough that he white washed countless songs in the 1950’s raking in money justifiably owed to the original artists. Today, he shares a fascinating close up look at normal “good” cells, compared to the bad cancer cells, which he describes in great detail! You must watch Worst to see how very much the shoelaces of his white shoes have come untied and tangled. Only Boone can turn a description of nasty cancer cells both political and racist. when asked where cancer comes from Boone immediately replies, “I call it liberalism!”

Betsy McCaughey, well paid big health industry shill. You didn’t think she believed the garbage coming out of her mouth! She enjoys quoting chapter and verse of the health care reform act, hoping no one else will have bothered to read it. This is sadly the case with a receptive audience. Recently on CNBC she did just that, spouting a ridiculous passage “from pages 16 and 17” to justify a huge lie. CNBC came to her aid, and capped the segment when someone who knew what was truly on the pages corrected her, and the enormous lie that people won’t be free to maintain their own insurance!