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Worst: Glenn Beck Constifusion, Chuck Norris on American heathen flags, Sean Hannity and Smelt?

Gold: Glenn Beck: In a Constitutional mood, he opines that in the good old days of the Founding Dads, it really meant something to be an immigrant! Leafing through the Constitution, he finds that it was important enough to place a tax duty of ten dollars per new citizen, a lot by the standards of the day. Sadly, he chooses to demonstrate the point with a section of the Constitution relating to “immigrants” who…shall we say, had no say?

Silver: Chuck Norris: Could they be grooming this shining beacon of the Far Right for 2012? They’ve done stranger things, as we’ve all seen. Norris has a few suggestions about showing your patriotism via your flag while using your’Ab Flex’ of course. His first commandment; Chuck Norris says, “Take down your heathen modern American flag!” It gets better from here, honestly…depending upon your definition of “better” of course. In the course of a year, tea stained replacements will show the world where your sympathies lie!

Bronze: Mrs. Hannity’s boy Sean won the award today. It came ‘A day late and dollar short’ according to The Department of the Interior…closer to three months actually. Hannity had a righteous rant going too.He’d worked himself into a froth against that so and so Administration, and radical environmentalists, is there any other kind? It turns out that all’s well that ends well for Hannity and the Delta Smelt, even if he didn’t know it was over.