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Worst: Glenn Beck, Your TV and Mao will control you! Limbaugh tells CNN reporter to sit on it! Gregg Harper R..MS, redneck wit?

Gold: Glenn Beck. How redundant of me to say that Glenn Beck is Bonkers. I apologize, but you have to admit that there are varying degrees of insanity with him. Maybe the best, peppering a fantastic story and told with hysteria worthy of a badly rehearsed little theater troop. Today was one such day. Even FOX is joining the multi-network, and bi-partisan effort to raise awareness of volunteering, but Beck isn’t appeased, he sees so much more! By the time he ends his rant – at long last, he vows to break the nefarious plan down through the oncoming week, so that we sheep will see this isn’t a united, non-partisan,
movement to encourage something as innocent and positive as helping within your community. Instead, it is the first step by Chairman Mao and our President to plant subliminal messages into the media, the better to control you my dears!

Watch’ Worst’ as Keith Olbermann explains the issues as Beck brings them up, showing complete video of Beck and his interpretation. It is frightening, enlightening, and even amusing at times. While Olbermann’s comments are not as
dramatic as Beck’s, he leaves ample room for the viewer to see how Beck apparently constructs his fantasies out of the cloth left over from ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’ and sewn together with sheer lies and hysteria, or something resembling it. Several Fox friends have taken to invoking Chairman Mao of late. Beck conjures him so often one gets the feeling that he has an invisible friend.

Silver: Rush Limbaugh, insufferable, misogynistic, angry loudmouth..but you knew that. Carol Costello is doing a much needed series of reports for CNN. The topic, talk radio’s influence in dividing our country, wouldn’t be complete without the inclusion of Limbaugh. Normally happy as a pig in slop to be the center of attention, he denigrates pigs by association with his reaction to both Carol Costello, whom he accuses of stalking him, and a psychiatrist who has been
brought in, and nails him with one word. Yes, the good doctor is a woman, and it matters! As my husband opined, Limbaugh should be happy to have any woman following him, regardless of the reason, but he assumes Rush secretly likes them. With steam shooting from both ears, he grumbles, bellows, and resorts to the crudest of suggestions as to where Ms Costello should go, and precisely how to get happy, it’s much more slimy from his foul mouth. See his video in ‘Worst’- someone once said “character matters,” it’s also revealed best when Rush Limbaugh is angry and threatened.

Bronze: Congressman Gregg Harper, R-Mississippi, While being interviewed by politico.com, Harper took a stab at wit, I presume. I don’t think you’ll feel that it’s too sensitive to object to his remarks regarding what The Congressional Sportsmen would do to ” tree hugging liberals,” when you learn the fate of three human beings in his district. A horrible event which hasn’t been addressed since it happened in 1964.