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Worst Persons: Sweeney dodges Jersey Bully Chris Christies powers of evil

Gold: Nelson Santiago, recently a TSA screening officer who was sidelined as a ‘procurement specialist’ at Ft Launderdale, winds up the salute to slimy airline employees this week. You needn’t dread body pat-downs from Nelson, his sticky fingers are otherwise employed.

Silver: Gov. Paul Brown of the great state of Georgia. Dr. Brown is not worried about the crops now rotting in Georgia fields, thanks to his migrant worker policy. He does seem exceedingly concerned that "man" (meaning socialists and progressives) wants to slip this nation right out from beneath God, where it belongs! By the way, Brown is also concerned about external forces, such as al-Qaeda, the other perfect example of thugs using religion to push their agenda upon others.

Bronze: New Jersey State Senator Stephen Sweeney is back! You may recall that he railed against Chris Christie, calling him a number of unflattering names – which seem to fit, for example: ‘The Jersey Bully,’ and a miserable b*****rd. Half-way through Sweeney’s speech, we plainly see that he underestimated the dark powers aligned with Chris Christie!