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WORST: Town Hall Michael Steele, Jim Greer and Glenn Beck, Eric Cantor R VA

Gold Plated Hypocrite Award of the day goes to RNC Chairman Michael Steele, despite the fierce competition for the spot. Steele wins because of his snark-filled answer to Amanda Duzak at a town hall held Tuesday at Howard University. Amanda told Steele how she’d lost her mother to possibly the number one, and most feared diagnosis in the United States today, but only because she could not afford the necessary and expensive treatments, without insurance.
Keep in mind that Steele was one of the leading Republicans denying that the oddly familiar crowds were bussed-in shills there to shout down the speaker. Steele insisted that every town hall participant was a concerned and rightfully angry
citizen to whom you had best listen! It seems there are exceptions. Steele says town hall rowdies scared except for Amanda Duzak

Watch in shock and awe as Steele delivers the nasty answer, in effect saying she only wanted to be on TV and advised her to "enjoy it." Keith brings you the entire encounter which took place in a few seconds, along with a heaping teaspoon of
Michael Steele background, leading up to a description of the man too long and accurate to post here – but well worth it!

Silver Sleazemeisters: Sharing the honors are Glenn Beck and Jim Greer Chairman of the Florida GOP, for sharing Beck’s views. In our first announcement, Beck has lost another eleven sponsors today, congratulations! The second announcement is very serious. In Beck’s words "On Tuesday night we’ll have a special on the Indoctrination and grabbing of your kids!" Whoa – Wha? Wake the neighbors! Sneaky President Obama is going to indoctrinate and grab your kids!" This nefarious dirty business is being done in such a way as to "by-pass parents!" Whew, if not for Beck, we’d think that President Obama was just going to make a national announcement to all school children on Tuesday the eighth. He claims that he will be speak to them about the importance of education, challenge them to work hard, set educational goals for themselves, and take responsibility for their
learning. Sure! Watch Worst, there’s more to this conspiracy!

Bronze Bobblehead Award: Eric Cantor R-VA, House Minority whip has proven once and for all that he’s no prognosticator, with a hasty announcement on CNBC. Cantor declared that the Stimulus plan should be scrapped, "we know" it’s been a failure! He went on to name the many ways it’s failed, and how we could perhaps recover from a bad idea. It’s just a pity that Cantor hadn’t checked the Wall Street Journal first. The Journal’s headline on the economy that day ? As if to spite
Cantor, it proclaimed, "U.S. Economy Gets a Lift From Stimulus!" Watch Worst for more GOOD news to us, not so much for Eric Cantor.