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Wyatt Cenac and the Whole Foods Buycott

Do Tea Party Republicans shopping at Whole Foods make them Liberals?  No, but it does give us a good look into what their issue is really all about. It is not their subjective crazy interpretation of the constitution, but rather how consumed they are with hating Liberals and… Hmmm… To put it kindly… Multiculturalism.

The bottom line in all this which includes the basis of Republican ideology is that THESE KIND OF PEOPLE do not want their tax money going to those less white than they are. It is the reason we so easily put an end to welfare support of women and children in 1995. Why we so easily put a stop to universal health care in 1993. And why we still refuse to adopt any form of universal health care today. I cannot think of one Republican friend of mine who in private – after a quick look behind them – will not admit that they do not want their hard earned tax money going to lazy criminal wetbacks and N-words.   

This Buycott business is nothing new. In the early 1990’s Right-wing Republican bigot Rush Limbaugh replaced Right-wing Republican bigot Anita Bryant as the spokesman for Florida Orange Juice. Word came to Rush that some Liberals were going to boycott Florida orange juice. Rush told his dittoheads to go all over Florida and buy as much orange juice as they could. Central Florida crackers were filling the beds of their confederate flag adorned pickups full of the stuff!

Though Anita Bryant and Rush Limbaugh are no longer the spokesman for Florida Orange Juice, the industry is little changed from what it has always been. Texas and California market orange juice too.