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You Can Put Lipstick On A Moose, But You Can’t Make It Kiss Nicely

palin putinNow that Vladimir Putin has been chased out of Alaskan air space by Guv-ner Sarah Palin, it’s comforting for the rest of us to know that our most western front is so well protected from this trespassing peeking tom. If Putin sneaks into Alaska disguised as a wolf or moose, you should feel safer with Ms. Palin on guard, because with one wink she can vanquish any intelligent thought.

Ms. Palin, a stanch believer in dinosaurs walking with man, a miscalculation by a mere 160 million years or so if you believe the overwhelming majority of world scientists, also believes in the good book, the bible, verbatim. The bible never even mentions dinosaurs which begs the question how could this all important book miss something so big? But even using George Bush’s fuzzy math there is no way you could get a mommy and daddy dinosaur on a boat with biblical dimensions of 300 by 50 cubits, whatever that means, along with two of every other animal on earth at that time. What did Noah feed them, the other animals? Sarah also seems to believe in witch exorcisms and the end times, which is all well and good if you believe in nonsense and idiots running around loose, but my concern is how could a guy like John McCain, someone who supposedly loves his country first, pick such a lunatic as his backup, an admitted trigger-finger happy hunter with the potential of controlling the nuclear codes.
You can put lipstick on a moose, but you can’t make it kiss nicely.

This election isn’t just about jobs, the economy, the failed wars and disastrous policies of Bush. It’s about all of this of course, and electing someone with the good sense to avoid the pratfalls of the past eight years. McCain has established that he is not the man to reset our course by virtue of his pick of this boob Sarah Palin. His choice ranks right up there with Bush’s decision to attack Iraq. The man is simply not qualified to lead America into a better future.

In a few weeks we will find out if American voters are smart enough to grab the reigns of their own destiny and throw out the bums. From what I’ve seen the past two presidential elections, it’s a close call.