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You’re a Mean One Newt Gingrich Dr. Seuss parody video

"You have all the tender sweetness of a seasick crocodile, Newt Gingrich. And a smile full of maggots." Someone has Newt’s number in this ‘Grinch’ parody which comes hot on the heels of Gingrich’s obnoxious Palestinian opinions and his continuing war on the poor.

"We have people who take their food stamp money and use it to go to Hawaii." (Those who cannot purchase non-food items like toilet paper with their food stamps will be delighted that their food stamp card extends to the airline ticket desk). Just tell ’em Newt Gingrich sent you.

To be fair, Newt’s revolutionary plan to reinstate child labor, and place disadvantaged kids in orphanages comes not from real life, but from Hollywood. He recently revealed that he genuinely believes that a young Mickey Rooney and kindly Father Flanagan are waiting at Boy’s Town to show the young imps love and direction. It therefore follows that his view of inner-city youth as gangsters with no work ethic must similarly be based on films such as ‘New Jack City’ and possibly some rap videos. That is close enough to the disenfranchised for the edification of Newt’s world view.