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Jon Stewart Syria, Sarin and two more wars with Lindsey Graham

war grahamSeems al qaeda is one of the main players sponsoring the uprising in Syria. In fact the uprising is also sponsored by Saudi Arabia and the Muslim Brotherhood who want to  push Muslim Fundamentalism into the new government. So how does Lindsey Graham get guns to the right people? BACKGROUND CHECKS? We just send the ATF to the Middle East. Now there is something every Republican can get behind. That is one of their rationals for backing the NRA. ENFORCE THE LAWS WE HAVE NOW by refusing to fund the ATF, reducing personnel down to 2400, disallowing them to keep databases, and refusing to appoint a leader to the ATF now in 15 years,  Their other cry is LAW ABIDING GUN OWNERS.  Hey, most gun murders are committed by law abiding gun owners.

What is it about the Middle East that requires us to put our war nose in everything that happens there?

Of course as history shows,  we could not possibly be wrong about about having or using WMD (sarin) in Syria?  And if I remember correctly, when Don Rumsfeld and Ronald Reagan were pals with Saddam Hussein, he used sarin and we were okay with that.

What bothers me most about America is that connection between being the most Christian nation of Earth and the joy we take in war and execution. Something is very amiss in that. Especially the disconnect of a religion based upon an errant execution. It portents a religion that does not have the ability to actually think itself out.