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Stephen Colbert: Republican Global Warming Hoax, put Pat Robertson on an ice flow

push pat robertson out on an ice flow

Colbert is connecting the idiocy of Republican denial of global warming to religion. Again the problem with page one of the Bible, God gives it all to us to do with as we will. AND… If God wants it warm so be it, who are we to judge.  And as  you well know, religion is not in the judgement business. And sure it could be caused by gay sex and abortion. And there are no people up their praying for snow that I know of. But it’s more about how the oil, gas and coal companies control America.  More like…  Religious gas!

How well Republicans are able to deny reality, facts and even a picture put in their face often amazes even  the most cynical of us. But one thing Colbert seems to have correct, is that those who deny climate change are also the most beholding to evangelical fundamentalism.  How can they look at this picture and deny global warming?  Is Exxon Mobile or Jesus must responsible?  Half the ice in the arctic has disappeared in just 25 years, and it’s a hoax? Jesus kills more brain cells than all drugs and alcohol combined.

artic lost half sea ice in 25 years