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14 Ways Obama Shutdown is ruining our lives

obama shutdownGood job! Except one thing. They all should have been in walkers with tennis balls.

My 68 year old neighbor across the street has Confederate flags painted on his toes. He goes regularly to the nail shop around the corner to have them touched up. A open toe sandal guy. He is on full VA disability (agent orange and PTDS), Social Security and Medicare. He calls out to me across the street in greeting, HEY OBAMAMAN! If the word Obama comes up in conversation he puts his arms in the air and yells STOP! Tells me he is on both Prosac and Xanax since that Socialist NWORD was elected. I ask him who pays for that, Medicare or the VA? I reply. His answer is the same, STOP I can’t go on with this discussion, it will give me another heart attack.

The polling this morning looks bad for Republicans  The important numbers are only 26% agree with the GOP shutdown and only 28% give the GOP favorable rating. The only good news for Republicans is that it is 2013 rather than 2014.

The other good news for the GOP is that Ted Cruz’ numbers are getting better all the time down here in Dumbutt, Texas.  Hey we may not be the sharpest knives in the drawer, but we are well armed. Very well armed, and as I am sure you are well aware, there is nothing Jesus likes more than a large group of morons with guns. It is why he gave his life to the NRA.