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Trump on a Stump Replaces ‘Elf on a Shelf’ for Christmas – video

Trump on a Stump Replaces 'Elf on a Shelf' for Christmas - video

. Jimmy Kimmel is making Christmas great again, with his new product ‘Trump on a Stump, which replaces the time honored holiday tradition, ‘elf on a shelf.’ Traditionally, the elf perches on a shelf watching your kids, and reports back to Santa. While a benign elf might have been a deterrent to wrongdoing long ago, kids today are harder to impress, and Jimmy worries that the little elf may be losing its gravitas. Well, we’ve got your gravitas right here baby!  The stump sitter can be placed throughout your home, where he sees everything from atop his uncomfortable perch. Trump doesn’t exactly report back to Santa, but as you’ll see, he is capable of making your kids behavior improve bigly!  Pence on a Fence sold separately.