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Bill Maher Monologue, President Trump has committed treason, February 17 2017

Bill Maher Monologue, President Trump has committed treason, February 17 2017

Bill Maher Monologue, President Trump has committed treason, February 17 2017Well this monologue sure wasn’t very funny. The biggest political scandal in the history of our country. An accusation that has been under everyone’s breath since Trump won the Republican Primary. Treason. Donald Trump inviting a foreign power to help affect getting himself elected President. Not only are there already enough dots to connect it all presumably, but Trump himself actually asked them to do it.

“I will tell you this, Russia: If you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”

You know the WHAT IF game that Fox News and Right-wing radio are always playing? This graphic here was taken by a guest at a Mar A Lago dinner party for the Japanese prime minister. It shows President Trump on his open android phone being informed that North Korea just launched a ballistic missile. Along with more pictures and videos of his security team, with the hbomb box, coming to his table to discuss it on the patio.

Can you imagine if that had that been Hillary Clinton or Barrack Obama?

This can all be summed up in just three words…