Liberal Redneck Trey Crowder questions Trump fans about cowardly Trump, with Putin in Helsinki. This, Trump informs us is to be the first of many such meetings. I presume that Trump is referring to the two-hour private meeting the two held before they met with the press, where Trump put on a disgraceful display of UN-American sentiment. I presume the private talk was worse – somehow?
Trey: Trump is “either in some form of lizard love with Vladimir Putin or he’s as terrified of him as the Russian people, but either way it’s bad for us and nothing makes any sense anymore.”
We know by seeing Trump’s face wreathed in smiles that he felt right at home in Putin’s presence, ruling out ‘terrified’ and placing weird bromance and just plain stupid in the lead.
Liberal Redneck – Vlad n Donnie 2gether 4ever