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Andrew Brietbart so full of angry hatred he may explode dragged away

Ugly is as ugly does…

Here is video of the CPAC darling Andrew Brietbart confronting the Occupy demonstration outside the CPAC venue. He has to be held back by two people to keep him from perhaps killing someone while he screams at them to "behave and stop raping people."  Raping people?  Gosh…

This is that ugly American in action we often hear so much about. With his anger most always directed at people of color. He is THE example of everything that is wrong with conservatives, Republicans, religion and humanity itself.

I believe he is ON SOMETHING and it’s about time someone put a hidden camera on his ass to find out whether its cocaine or meth that he snorts with his daily quart of 151. 

You know what the gist of his speech was at CPAC? Like not a few others? That conservatives and Republicans are FROM NOW ON not going to lay down like lambs and take it anymore! They will NOW stand up to the commie liberals destroying America!  Yeah right, they have been just laying low since January 2009. What a hoot.