With the shameful Shirley Sherrod editing scandal fresh, and no question remaining that Fox intended the edited film to divide Americans through absolute falsehoods, Fox…
I wish I were kidding about the title, but this guy is serious. I can’t help but notice that many an entrepreneur gets his jollies…
This is a story of Civil Rights as lived by Shirley Sherrod – whose father was killed by white men, and then in response had…
If your only source of news is the Washington Times, you would have seen two photos of the turban topped Kagan, who plans to enforce…
What a public relations coup this is for Michele Bachmann R-MN. A gracious Tea party hostess invites people of diverse backgrounds for a successful party…
First there were the Teabaggers, and while they’re still very easy to identify by their colorful plumage and redundant signs, it takes a score card…
Sarah Palin has had quite a remarkable time of it very recently with her Bush-like recreation of the English language. I might add that in…
A bulletin just in from the kids in electric la la land informs us of a most unique teenage drug craze called i-dosing. In all…
The hypocrite known as Glenn Beck bursts into tears so often that I can’t help but wonder if he has a mood disorder. Typical of…
Gold: Billy Roper, write-in Tea party candidate for Arkansas governor. Did I hear that there’s no racism in the Tea Party? Anti-immigration controversy has opened…
Several right-wing candidates admit that they had hoped to gain left-wing media attention with their outrageous ad campaigns, Rachel Maddow exhibited super-human strength in not…
You know, I haven’t heard the words "America, the melting pot" used often at all, since the Tim James vintage of closet racists gained steam…
Gold: Carl Allen and The New York Post may have merged with a supermarket tabloid. If not, they should circulate the rumor promptly. The latest…
A craven anti-immigration group calling themselves "a concerned group of American citizens" in Utah have hit the bottom rung of the ugliness seen in Arizona…
Gold: Rush Limbaugh, who attacked the very recently deceased "cracker" George Steinbrenner in a nasty racist tirade yesterday is on the defensive, because frankly he’s…