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Bill Maher, Ted Cruz will be GOP nominee in 2016, Piers Morgan

bill maher ted cruzI love the beginning where we get such profound words of wisdom from Ann Coulter! Did you know that all Democrats want is political power?  And Republicans only want to do the right thing. Here in Upsidedown World.

Sure Bill Maher is correct about the clowns in the Republican Primaries. In 2016 we already know we will have Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ben Carson and Rick Santorum in the front seat, with maybe Donald Trump, Michele Bachmann, Marco Rubio in the back seat, and more than likely Jon Huntsman and Chris Christie trying to keep up from behind.

But there are two things that Bill Maher is forgetting. First is that when all was said and done the clowns in the past two Republican primaries lost to the old school Republicans McCain and Romney. And secondly, Rand Paul who is exactly the same as Ted Cruz – a Fundamentalist Evangelical Christian American Libertarianism – has his father’s organization behind him which has 20 years of successful experience in pretending their candidate is something he isn’t. If you missed it.  FECAL