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Bill O’Reilly;s Lie Tops Brian Williams by 1200 Miles

Bill O'Reilly's War Lies Top Brian Williams by 1200 Miles

Mother Jones unearths an oft-told tale of Bill O’Reilly’s in which he claims to have saved a man’s life in a war zone – The Falklands,  while in truth, he was with the press corps, some 1200 miles away!  This, of course comes on the heels of Brian William’s unfortunate admission that he may have gilded the lily a bit, although Williams was – in fact, in the war zone, and under fire…Unlike O’Reilly, who was far from the Falklands, where he claims to have done his deeds of daring do-do.

Fox ‘news’ has been positively giddy on schadenfreude from William’s misfortune for weeks. Recently, William’s bad luck emboldened   Bill O’Reilly, to give a somber lecture on journalistic ethics. The video piece  begins with O’Reilly shaking his head, and intoning, “Reporting the news comes with a big responsibility.”  He pointedly lectures: “You, the press, must be honest.”
I know! This from FOX…It’s delicious.  Following the brief lecture is a clip of Bill re-telling on-air, (not for the first time) the heroic story in which he saved a man’s life under fire, in the Falklands. With no thought for his own life, O’Reilly claims to have dragged the man out of harms way, without a thought for himself.

Have they neglected to award him a medal for heroism – or even an award for journalism?  It’s no wonder  O’Reilly burns with indignation when snot-nosed punks like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert cart home awards by the bushel! They didn’t risk their lives to bring you the story. As it happens, neither did O’Reilly – unless he’s perfected time travel. We all know that only the cartoon genius Stewie, of ‘Family Guy’ has done that.

The Mother Jones article – is of course,  considered to be a ‘hit piece’ by O’Reilly and his deluded, emotional fans. That alone is a guarantee that it hits uncomfortably close to the bone. Dancing with Dame Schadenfreude can often earn one a swift kick in the behind from the lady.  The comments section under the YouTube video is alive with hot, passionate defense of their hero. It’s a hard pill for Bill’s fans to swallow, but  Mother Jones’ report is really ‘just the facts, ma’am.’   Read the Mother Jone’s full story.