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Billl Maher Monologue, Celebration Dems ALMOST won an election, June 23 2017

Billl Maher Monologue, Celebration Dems ALMOST won an election, June 23 2017

Billl Maher Monologue, Celebration Dems ALMOST won an election, June 23 2017Bill Maher knows why his audience is so happy this week! The Democrats almost won an election!!  And if this is any sign of things to come, they may ever almost win enough elections in 2018 to take the House and Senate!  And then almost beat Donald Trump’s second election win.  Things are looking up for Democrats!

And hey, if Democrats follow the current plan in reaching out to the Trump voters they may almost win by an even closer margin! That’s what it’s all about, almost winning.

Oh and being nice, and truthful and not using fear or hatred or fake news and alternate facts to win. As we know now that is how to almost win anything. Hey, I almost won the lottery last night! And here hear for the Caviliers who almost the NBA title.  .