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Senate Health Care Bill versus Single Payer

Senate Health Care Bill versus Single Payer

Senate Health Care Bill versus Single Payer

As of yesterday we have the names of those who in the Senate that find this “mean” health care bill not mean enough? They are just who you would expect them to be. Great and Terrific hugely beautiful Libertarian Tea Party ideologues Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Ron Johnson. It just does not hurt enough people enough for them. 

The headline here is meant as a joke of course, the real VERSUS is only about how many people we are going to throw under the health insurance bus and how many hundreds of billions of dollars we are going to transfer from working people’s health care to those who don’t even have any need for health insurance. In fact the top 1% of Americans will make $50,000 each on this bill while pushing 24 million working class Americans off health insurance.  And half of Americans in dire need of health insurance see that as a good thing.

How did we get here. It’s not Donald Trump. It was Ronald Reagan making the government the enemy of the American people, Reagan teaming up with Jerry Falwell to co-opt Jesus Christ into a right-wing political lunatic, right-wing talk radio taking control of AM radio and Republican cable propaganda machine Fox News pretending to be fair and balanced news feeding their ignorant audience only what the wish to hear.

To every person in The Media and Democrat talking head on TV, every time the words HEALTH CARE come up ask:

“39 of the wealthiest 40 nations in the world have a single payer health care system that covers everyone like our Medicare through a payroll tax payed by everyone, who all enjoy better health care, better health outcomes for half the price which the vast majority of people in those nations support. So why are YOU against such a system for the American people?”

And hold their feet to the fire for answers that go beyond screechings of SOCIALISM, COMMUNISM, OBAMA, CHOICE, ENTITLEMENTS, EUROPEANS SUCK and the litany of lies and dishonest propaganda that goes with it. And keep asking that question every single time health care is discussed. EVERY SINGLE TIME.  Gosh…

Come on, step up to the plate. I have come to believe this is the only way Democrats can ever win anything ever again.

And it can be done with just changing two words to one.  From “over 65” to “all”.  The debate should be about three things:

  1. How much should the payroll tax be.
  2. What the benefits are.
  3. Who dispenses the system.