Gold: Fo-gedd-about how Murdoch’s press empire is so much bird cage liner. How does something labled “Fair and Balanced” sink? On the Murdoch ‘Fair and…
"Turn on MSNBC and you’ll find the mind-slut with a big pair of glasses that they sent to Afghanistan. She looks like she went from…
I would give my left nut to put little Billy Kristol in a headlock and give him a knuckle rubbie to end all knuckle rubbies!…
The last new idea Republicans had was when they began purchasing women for sex rather than clubbing them over the head. Rackjite quotes The new…
Just a tip for all of you well-meaning folks who are considerate and send cards. If you’re sending a musical greeting card, at least warn…
The dangers of an affair between a married woman and her boss are many, and may lead to further excitement or total disaster in the…
Irony Today: Printed In ‘Christianity Today’ words of wisdumb from Joe – the Never Was, Plumber. Today’s lecture by professor Joe is on the word…
A NEW hate crime bill was passed by the House this week. It expands existing legislation to add heavier sentencing in assault and discrimination crimes…
Houston Chronicle cartoonist Nick Anderson forgot two things in this work. It should be Lou Dobb’s face making the transition with the CNN logo large…
If you would like to get to the bottom of this American brand of Christianity awash across the land, invite a few of them over…