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Charlton Heston, America’s favorite NRA Nut Succumbs

Charlton Heston passed away today from complications from Alzheimer’s. From his celebrity status of playing demigods in endless movies he became a malgamation the characters he played.

Heston helped the NRA move from a reasonable sporstman’s organization to the most powerful and feared right-wing lobby in America. A lobby bought and paid for by the RNC and weapon and ammuntion industries, ensuring that America is, and will forever be, the most violent industrial nation on Earth. Heston became the voice that helped change this nation from a place that once believed in Loving Your Neighbor to Shooting Your Neighbor.

The eulogies are flowing in with most comparing Heston to John Wayne. A good comparison! For as America entered World War 2 and truly patriotic actors lined up to enlist and do their part, macho man John Wayne flat out refused to go because his movie career was growing and he did not want to lose money. John Wayne a yellow, cowardly unpatriotic Chickenhawk.

There are a few things that cannot be said in America which calling John Wayne a yellow coward is sure to be one of them. So let’s not stop midstream in this troublelsome area. In the immediate present saying anything positive about Hillary or negative about Obama makes you either a racist or a bonehead. In the short term – since the war in Iraq – one cannot tell the truth connecting the word NEOCON to conservative Jews without being called anti-Semetic. And in the area of the 2nd Amendment, it is verboten to tell the truth that the driving force of so many wanting to much gun in their lives is because they are just aching to shoot some bad Black men. Here in Texas shooting unarmed bad Black men in the back has become the very definition of what a HERO is. Did I say all the things you can’t say in just one paragraph? Shame on me! And shame on you for reading it!