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Chet Steeler video: Advice on Gun Southern Parenting

chet steeler parentingHell, I live down here in Dumbutt and can’t figure out what magazine Chet is talking about it, sounds like “sol an pour” magazine. Help!

I post these Chet Steeler videos because none of them have yet passed the 500 views mark on YOUTUBE.  This is the same issue I have with the mainstream media who refuses to define “gun enthusiasts” as who they really are and what they really represent.

We are not talking about “gun owners” but that part of American society who promote, purchase and play with military assault rifles with extended magazines. And especially those who celebrate such weaponry in the wake of the 20 riddled bodies of six year old children. Also please notice, the shooters in most all these massacres are “gun enthusiasts” themselves who are INTO assault rifles or extended clips.

What angers me  – almost as much as the GOP having converted Jesus Christ into an NRA, execution loving, child beating, selfish bigoted a whole – is that our elected officials along with the media,  give these yingyangs what they want out of fear of losing share, losing elections or fear for the lives of themselves, their staff and their families.