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Christian Youth Pastor Kevin does his own American Idol

Christian youth pastor kevinI am not too sure of the purpose of this series of videos. I suppose it is to make fun of dorky Christian kids.  But it is having the opposite affect upon me. Dorks need this kind of stuff.  It soothes the pain of being osterized by the rest of society where so many kids are cool. [yeah I know osterized]  These are nice kids, they don’t mean any harm, they are just not much on the upswing and relative to each other, they can shine.  My heart goes out to them. Their parents made them what they are.  [Pouring this crap into little kids before the reach puberty is how the perpetuate the ignorance, intolerance and silliness, which is what SCHOOL VOUCHES are ALL ABOUT.]

But… I don’t want them or the parents or grandparents telling those outside the Silly Tribe what to do or how to think. It’s bad enough they vote.  You see?  I would prefer than they did not vote, but I would never want to push that view of mine upon them or… Here is the kicker… into government or law.

BTW, reading what little I could find about this series, it seems the Hispanic guy is the creator and director. It also may be come some sort of movie.