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CNN Evening Pundit Lou Dobbs officially goes Wingnut

I began writing about this egomaniac a few years ago. I have even written CNN numerous times (both email and hand written) trying to get it through to them that giving Lou Dobbs a platform on CNN makes CNN as, or even more clownish than Fox News – and that I refuse to watch CNN until they ship Lou off to Fox where he belongs.

It is not only his overwhelming hatred of Mexicans, Hispanics, Chinese, Russians etc,  but that condescending crap eating grin of his one cannot help but want to smash down his throat. Lou Dobbs is worse than promography having no redeeming social value whatsoever.

Recently Lou Dobbs has been on the road to OFFICIALLY being cast as the Right-wing Loon many of us have always known him to be. He is now garnering attention by  joining up with the wacko wingnut Tea Party Republican Base Birther Movement which wants to remove that Black President from office because he is not a citizen.

I first noticed the officialness of Dobbs fall from grace from our apolitical Houston Chronicle food, pet and culture writer Ken Hoffman who on July 27th wrote: 

News wacko most likely to go insane live on the air: Lou Dobbs.
Count how many times Dobbs says “I” and “me” and “this newscast” and “this anchor” during a typical Lou Dobbs Tonight show, and I do mean show (it’s not even close to a newscast anymore) on CNN.
Dobbs has the biggest out-of-control ego and creepiest phony smile of any newsman since Ted Baxter. He sees monsters under the bed. Dobbs belongs on radio, somewhere around 3 a.m., with the rest of the loonies.

After reading that – and this being Texas and all – I can only imagine how much crazy ass threatening email the poor man must have received. Give this guy credit for while he was writing that he knew damn well how riled up it would get people down here in Dumbutt. And they are armed and dangerous. And stupid… 

Just yesterday my NEWSWEEK arrived with the Indignity Index marking Lou Dobbs with a 72 out of 100 (100 being utterly shameless).

CNN’s Lou Dobbs says there are  "still a lot of questions" about President Obama’s place of birth — days after his guest house cited indisputable proof it’s Hawaii.

I can only hope that CNN comes to its senses and rids itself of this more than nasty nut case who is turning their entire network into a dirty joke.

Lou Dobbs Time Change – White People Rejoice!
I Turned off CNN because of Lou Dobbs
2008 Shithead of the Year, CNNs Lou Dobbs