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There is No God at CPAC with Samantha Bee

There is No God at CPAC  with Samantha Bee

Sam Bee’s staff follows an abrasive atheist to CPAC,where he attempts to convince Republican conservatives to abandon their faith, to make room for the fastest growing demographic, which he believes is atheism –  but the truth is scarier than any of us suspect!

Obnoxious David Silverman, wants to gain access to the rotting platyfrankenpus that is the Republican party for atheists.  The rot is an excellent growing medium for all manner of carrion and orange maggots and other opportunistic life forms, but dear old platty isn’t looking well these days.

While he’s busy annoying people, Silverman misses the point that God was never meant to be in our government. Worse yet are those who claim that God has called them (all) to lead this government!

The scariest people at the convention aren’t the religious right.  There are men in ill-fitting suits, wearing red capes. There are ‘annoying little *** wearing bow-ties.” But the group that welcomes Silverman can be identified by the red shirts decorated by lots of flair, and worn by energetic fiends. They are the  Millennials – you have to see how they’re wasting their youth for yourself.