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Congress Behind Closed Doors, Benson

I present this cartoon for how far off the mark it is.

What should be flying out of that curtain are graphics on easels, charts, babies and political grandstanding for the cameras. With a brain flying in not out. This is completely different than Dick Cheney having Exxon and Halliburton secretly writing energy policy in his basement.

On a related matter, I just may turn off cable news of all kinds, in fact any TV news for that matter. 15 days after the fact, CBS News last night did ANOTHER 15 (of their 24 minute total) on the underwear bomber.

I have had it up to HERE with the frigging underwear bomber. He failed!  Hello? No one in their right mind (right mind as in every other country BUT US) expects to be 100% safe 100% of the time, nor do they see this crap from a military point of view.

Entire days of cable news are devoted to local car chases, local shootings, balloons and adultery. IT’S CRAP! Fear sells Twinkies and the GOP.