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Maddow, Stars align for recent weird, odd, and freaky airport security news

Mercury is said to be in retrograde, a bad thing I gather. More likely, I suspect just as Rachel Maddow also opines, the nuts are with us always. They’ve simply never had instant media exposure before. From passengers and airport security to
Secret Service imposters, the list of behavior is beyond bizarre!

The incidents covered here all have taken place in just recent days. The individuals mentioned selected a highly sensitive time, in the wake of the Christmas Day Detroit terrorism attempt, assuring them greater exposure. We start with unbelievable airport security nightmares, and end with still more blatant security screw ups, similar to the Presidential party crashers.

As an example, the crowd waiting for six hours stranded in the Newark airport Sunday, were restless but resigned due to a "security alert." Had they known their six hours were shot by a love-struck Romeo dashing through security with no more lethal intent than to lay another good-bye kiss on his sweetheart, it might have turned into a wild scene, with not a few punches smack dab into his ‘kisser." He is one of the more sane ‘security threats.’ Even an off duty PSA agent revealed an unexpected and grandiose side. Rachel gives us the rundown of freaky behavior, all committed in the last two weeks!