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Countdown: Conservatives STILL dumber than Progressives, but have more sex.

"They’re so dumb they think innuendo is an Italian suppository" snap!

That zinger is courtesy of Michael Musto, and there are more where that came from. Musto joins Countdown to have a bit of fun with the study which has circled the progressive globe many times since its publication, and has probably been turned into virtual bird cage liner by the Right…They of the lower IQ’s – bless their hearts. Study finds low IQ for Republican Base

Why should they feel badly about a few little old IQ points when they answered that they have more and better sex? We know. We read about it in the headlines! This is the narrow minded crowd who feel that the only definition of marriage is one man and one woman joined in holy wedlock. Their open marriage friends stay on the fringes, without a legally binding contract. As they would be quick to tell you, they’re not Mormons you know!