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Republican Rush Limbaugh, get rid of the Safety Net

You only have to listen to the first two minutes of this one…

And there you have it. Mitt Romney saying he had no concern for the very poor is not the problem. It was Mitt Romney adding that if the Safety Net is broken he will help fix it that drives Republicans so far up the wall that they get their red ties caught in the ceiling fan and end up swinging around the room kaknocking their hardwood heads against the wall.

Giving the VERY POOR anything other than a bootstrap speech, a few law of the jungle platitudes, a kick in the head and a ticket to the big house is socialism and even worse, EUROPEAN socialism. 

As Christian Republican candidate and House member Michele Bachmann said so well on the campaign trail, no work no food. I think that is one of those Beatitudes from Jesus… Blessed are the poor, for they are lazy and deserve to starve. In fact Newt Gingrich decrying FOOD STAMPS is what makes him so popular with Christians. 

Do Republicans do math? If there is a 9% unemployment rate, doesn’t that mean 9% of Americans cannot find jobs? And if there are no jobs, and no safety net, then what is there for them. Well other than hungry children, and prison for them when they come of age? It is the nature of the Beast.

Do Republicans do math? We have by far the most people in prison than any place on Earth. Filled mostly with Blacks and Hispanics, and almost all, at or below the poverty level. In this most Christian Nation on Earth, why is that? Not enough religion? MY GOD THIS IS THE MOST RELIGIOUS COUNTRY ON EARTH, sans the Islamic Theocracies… 

Here is my problem. One of the major political parties in America, with luminaries like Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, Rick Santorum and the entire Republican party want to increase the disparity of wealth which has already out of control. Add to that wanting to give more to the wealthy and take more away from the growing number of poor. And her eit is… ON THE BACK OF JESUS CHRIST NO LESS! BURNS MY BUTT! 

And no I will not shut up about his corruption and BASTARDIZATION of Jesus Christ. The dominate form of Christianity in this country has become nothing more than a political dispensary of hateful, heartless, intolerant, bigoted, selfish Right-wing SWILL.

You can quote me on that…